Life / Adventure / Photography

Carl Simmerman

Exploring life, one wonder at a time.

Hello, I’m Carl Simmerman, an avid nature enthusiast with a love for photography, birding, hiking, bicycling, and stargazing. For me, the outdoors is a place of endless discovery, where every trail, every bird song, and every constellation offers a chance to connect more deeply with the world around us.The Kettle Moraine is my home base for adventure and inspiration. Its glacial landscapes, winding trails, and open skies are the perfect backdrop for capturing breathtaking photographs, observing wildlife, exploring on two feet or two wheels, and marveling at the stars. Whether I’m chasing the perfect shot, spotting a rare (for me) bird, or sitting beneath the night sky, I find joy in sharing these moments with others.This space is my way of inviting you along on the journey, to discover, learn, and explore together. Let’s celebrate the beauty of the natural world and all it has to offer, one step, one frame, and one star at a time.

Photography, for me, is a quiet kind of magic, a way to snatch fleeting moments before they slip through the cracks of memory and vanish. Each photograph is a captured breath, a place, a feeling, a fleeting scene, held still and alive at once. And when those moments come together, they do more than sit as solitary mementos; they weave a rough tapestry of my life’s wanderings, a map of how I see this wild, unpredictable world.Since the 1970s, this craft has been my steady companion, my way of navigating the endless subjects that catch my eye and my heart: the raw, unpolished beauty of nature, the quiet courage in human faces, the unspoken stories in everyday life. Each image I take is more than a snapshot, it’s a page in a visual journal, a piece of my personal history. It’s an open door, too, an invitation for others to step into these moments with me.

For The Love Of Photography

I was 15 when I first walked into the local newspaper office, all nerve and ambition, and asked if they might have a spot for a photographer. To my surprise, they said yes. They took me on as a stringer, and just like that, a whole new world opened up before me. I covered local events, wrote articles, and earned my first paycheck, $2.50 for a photo, a nickel for each word. It wasn’t much, but it was everything. That early chance wasn’t just a job; it was the beginning of a love affair with storytelling through a lens, a passion that’s grown stronger with every passing year.Since those early days, my camera has been my compass, guiding me through all kinds of experiences. I’ve framed the tender joy of weddings, the clean precision of real estate, and the individuality that shines in a portrait. But now, what drives me most is the simple pull of exploration of life, of the world, of the quiet moments waiting to be seen. To roam without a plan, to let curiosity lead the way, and to catch those fleeting glimpses of wonder and truth through my lens, that’s where my joy lies.

Come join me on social media, where I share snapshots and stories from my outdoor adventures, sweeping landscapes, joyful birdwatching encounters, tales from the trail, and awe-filled moments beneath the stars. Let’s celebrate the beauty of nature together and dive into conversations about why caring for our planet matters. Follow along for a virtual journey, and let’s share in the wonder of exploring the great outdoors!

© Carl Simmerman. All rights reserved.
